Ever heard of NOYB? In case you haven't it means its NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
umm im sure they make some sort of night gown for boys like in the olden days
its kinda weird that he wants girls pjs but if u cant find any for boys im sure that since its alright with his mother its not to bad maybe you can find ones that are all white or something
I know what you're thinking...
But if that's what he wants to do, he's going to do it now - or later in life.
If his Mom is ok with it...why should you fight it?
Well, I guess my answer would be this. If he doesn't like boys Jammie's, why not just sleep in underwear or just in a t shirt. I dont see why he would need the girls jammies. I think I would be a bit nervous.
I honestly think girl nightgowns are annoying for girls even. Your legs are not as free and comfortable as pjs and it's cold. Flannels are so warm and cozy!
Take him to a store (Sears, Walmart, Target, Gap, etc) and let him pick it out. I'm sure he'll pick something he really likes and maybe it's really not girl's gowns afterall. Maybe get a matching robe or something for him with pjs.
If you don't want to do that or buy the girl gowns, you could get him a robe and a tshirt and flannel pants instead of regular pjs.
All the best.
Its a tough call because you want the boy to be able to express himself. Just because he likes some girl things or girl colors doesn't necessarily mean he's gay. Especially because right now, he's not even thinking like that. And even if that were the case, you would still have to accept him for that as well. Theres nothing wrong with that. What about the girl pjs does he like so much? Is it the colors? The graphics? Who knows, you might buy him the girl pjs and when he's 16, he might laugh at himself for liking such things. You could also ask your sister to try to steer him in a different direction...is there any boy things that he likes a lot? Like pokemon or star wars? Anything in that nature that she could work with?
Good luck!
I know this really worries you, but if his mom is okay with it then you just have to let go of it. It's not your problem. If she's not bothered by it then you shouldn't be either.